This week we bring you “Roads of Destiny” by O. Henry. Do you believe in Destiny? Can we somehow avoid our Destiny by taking a different road? Is O. Henry a fatalist? I dare say he is. It is said that Henry collected ideas by loitering in hotel lobbies and observing and talking to people there. He relied on this technique to gain creative inspiration throughout his writing career. Maybe he met a poet and wrote his story. Enjoy!
Henry worked a number of different jobs, from pharmacy to drafting, journalism, and banking. Banking, in particular, was not to be O. Henry's calling;...
This a sweet story about a collier’s wife. Born David Herbert Lawrence, it is said that he was often angry, unhappy and ill. He...
It’s “Winesburg, Ohio” again this week. The next 3 stories are “Respectability” “The Thinker” and “Tandy”. Some believe that Anderson took stories and characters...