“The Yellow Wallpaper” is an important cornerstone of feminist literature. Gilman wrote the story to change public perception about the role of women in society by demonstrating the harmful mental and emotional effects that women suffered when denied their autonomy and decision-making authority. And Chopin is considered one of the first feminist authors of the 20th century. She is often credited for introducing the modern feminist literary movement. Some argue that modern feminism was borne on her pages, and one needs to look no further than this 1894 short story “The Story of an Hour” to support the claim. I hope you enjoy these two stories, as we approach the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment.
Henry worked a number of different jobs, from pharmacy to drafting, journalism, and banking. Banking, in particular, was not to be O. Henry's calling;...
This week we bring you “Big Two-Hearted River” Parts I & II by Ernest Hemingway. The story explores the healing and regenerative powers of...
This week we bring you “God’s Fool” by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Over the decades (centuries, really!) the evolution of terminology for the intellectually challenged...